Empire - Total War

Governor's Residence is a government building in Empire: Total War

Governor's Residence

In-game picture of Governor's Residence


As a province grows, the central government appoints its own governor with greater powers, rather than relying on the services of a member of the local, minor gentry.

No matter what his title - Lord Lieutenant (to the Monarch), Governor, Pasha, Thalur - the man appointed to oversee a province is a minor monarch, even in a republic! His main duties are tax raising and defense, and he is the government's man rather than a senior member of the local community. He is both protector and enforcer. He can enforce the law as he sees fit, ignore it when inconvenient and even grant pardons. He can impress men into military service and use them against any who dare to rebel. He has to power of life and death over his subjects - although he may have to use the justice system rather than simply having people shot. And, best of all, in an age of "interest" he has the power to fill his own and his friend's purses at the state's expense.

Historically, office holders in the 18th Century (almost regardless of country or government style) seemed to have trouble keeping the state's money out of their own pockets. It was acceptable for a man to appoint himself or a friend as a contractor, tax farmer or monopolist and make a handsome profit.


  • Level 1
  • 3 Turns to Build
  • 1000 Coin

